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Watercolor Painting



C/S is dedicated to bringing the arts to all communities, virtual and otherwise.  La Casita Azul project counters systemically perpetuated, generational trauma for Latino/a/x communities (and other marginalized groups) with a multifaceted TRAUMA informed approach using introspection, celebration, and self advocacy through the creative arts in a communal space.  The goal is simple: connect people through shared experiences and find opportunities for healing and growth.


We will begin this journey in our community in rural WA state.  The project will include 4 phases, all of which work succinctly to elevate BBIPOC communities.  See below to learn about our four phases.

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Photo by Antenna on Unsplash

Phase 1: Introspection

The Cafe style BBIPOC art gallery

  • Employment of BBIPOC youth (16-21years of age)

  • Trainings in different aspects of industry, including gallery curation

  • Social Emotional Learning Seminars for Employees

  • Mentoring opportunities

  • Employees to facilitate art therapy for visitors through visual analysis of artwork displayed at La Casita Azul

  • Click Here to learn about the visual analysis process

Phase 2: AcknowledgeMent

The Archive: 

  • Musical archive of works in genres contributing to the Latin-American experience of the last 100 years

  • Library of literary works in genres contributing to the Latin-American experience of the last 200 years

  • Provide various forms of arts for community to experience

  • Facilitate experiences that celebrate BBIPOC contributions to our communities.

Image by Priscilla Du Preez

Photo by Priscilla Du Preez

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Photo by Nathaniel Sison on Unsplash

Phase 3: Advocate

Bringing Art Therapy to Your Home:

  • Art Therapy Classes offered afterschool for youth at no cost

  • Art Therapy Classes offered to adults on weekends

  • Artwork found on walls is also reproduced on archival paper and is printed in limited editions 

  • Art prints are created to connect artist to community

  • Art prints are sold to allow visitors to continue their art therapy in the privacy of their own homes

  • Artist in Residence, continuing to write our own history

Phase 4: replicate

Bringing Art Therapy to other communities:

  • Revise business model to adapt to La Casita Azul's goals and successes

  • Find locations in other communities, partnerships, and stakeholders to continue building a sustainable model 

  • Impact other communities with art related experiences

Image by Mike Von
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